Cassia County



1. J. W. Snodgrass 1879
2. J. E. Harrington 1879-1883
3. William Stokes 1883-1887
4. Fred Danner 1887-1889
5. Griffin Stith Marshall 1889-1891
6. Edwin Burke 1891-1893
7. B. F. Mahoney 1893-1895
8. Harvey L. Perkins 1895-1897
9. Oliver P. Anderson 1897-1899
10. Joseph E. Burke 1899-1901

11. Montgomery L. Brown 1901-1903
12. Andrew Lounsbury 1903-1905
13. George H. Hansen 1905-1907
14. Edwin D. Brackenbury 1907-1909
15. Don C. Loveland 1909-1911
16. R. C. Parke 1911-1913
17. William O. Pratt 1913-1921
18. R. H. Smith 1921-1923
19. Steve Mahoney 1923-1925
20. Presley D. Pace 1925-1941

21. Bert Mahoney 1941-1943
22. Saul H. Clark 1943-1953
23. LePage Layton 1953-1961
24. Hubert Warrell 1961-1965
25. Ray G. Mitchell 1965-1985
26. Billy R. Crystal 1985-2001
27. Jim Higens 2001-2008
28. Randy Kidd 2008-

Provided by the Sheriffs' office

Early Medical Providers

Doctors, dentists, and mid-wives deserve a great praise for the sacrifices they endured, traveling in all kinds of weather and by buggy, horseback, wagon, sled, snowshoes and on foot.


Dr. Albee, Dr. Armsby, Dr. Charles Bishop Beymer, Dr. Bucannan, Dr. George Howell Cooper, Dr. George Edward Craner, Dr. Frank Henry Cutler, Dr. Hugh E. Dean, Dr. Emmerson, Dr. Joseph Fremstad, Dr. G. Espe, Dr. Goodfriend, Dr. J.J. Hannburg, Dr. Harris, Dr. L.M. Kelly, Dr. Langenwalter, Dr. John Mills Minter, Dr. A.F.O. Nielson, Dr. E.P. Oldham, Dr. N.A. Olsen, Dr. John Clinton Patterson, Dr. Peterson, Dr. Rich, Dr. Sam Ross, Dr. Chester I. Sater, Dr. Schriber, Dr. George Ritter Smith, Dr. Stockslager, Dr. Story, Dr. Richard J. Sutton, Dr. Charles A. Terhune, Dr. Woodruff.


Dr. Butner, Dr. Curaton, D.D.S. Christian Reed Gudmundsen, Dr. Hubbard, Dr. Jones, Dr. C. W. Karr, Dr. Lockhart, D.d.s. John Osmer Lowe, Dr. Ray Mecham, Dr. Raleigh E. Smedley, Dr. Smith, Dr. Taylor, Dr. J. Glen Toolson, Dr. George H. Toolson, Dr. Frank H. Weeks.


Sarah Tuttle Bates, Annie Clark, Jannett Dayley, Pearl Harris, Olive Harper, Arilda McBride, Mary McLaws, Mary Matilda Smith Robinson, Gustau Shallmore, Jane Tolman, JannettWhittle.

Submitted by Christine Storey

Victims of Sheep Wars

Disagreements over grazing rights and boundary rights caused much tension and violence between the cattlemen and sheep men for many years.

1886 - In a Pioneer Cemetery outside of Oakley lies the resting place of a victim of the bloody war between the Cattlemen and Sheep men. A young man of 30 years unusual in both color and courage, the first Negro resident of Cassia County.

Gobo Fango was born in 1856 in the West African jungles. Orphaned by tribal warfare, A LDS missionary family smuggled him into America. He later moved to Utah and then to Idaho. He died Feb 10, 1886, mortally wounded from a gunshot wound to his mid-section while at his sheep camp tending a herd of sheep leased with Walt Matthews from Thomas Poulton and sons of Willow Creek. No one will ever know what led up to that eventful day, but what is known is that Gobo crawled and dragged himself 4 miles to the Matthews home in agonizing pain and died a few hours later. Gobo Fango died leaving a will, $400.00 to the LDS Church, which he had joined, $100.00 to the Grantsville Relief Society and instructions to pay for his funeral and a grave marker for his grave. After a investigation and no witnesses the case was closed, murdered by a unknown gunman.

1896 - In the Oakley Cemetery lies the remains of two young men, also victims of the bloody war between the Cattlemen and Sheep men.

Daniel Cummings born 1872 and John Wilson born 1871, both murdered brutally by gunshot wounds on February 4, 1896, in their sheep camp. An autopsy on the bodies stated that they had been dead about two weeks.

Diamondfield Jack first accused of the brutal murders but pardoned in 1902. In 1898, two other men openly admitted they were the guilty parties, Jeff Gray and J. E. Bower. Jeff Gray was tried for the murder in 1899 at Albion and was acquitted on grounds of self-defense.

Submitted by Christine Storey

History of Marsh Basin (Albion)

Marsh Basin, first named for the creek on which it was located and later named Albion, was often referred to as the Center of the Universe where Cassia County residents and travelers could take care of their needs. It sits in the center of Cassia County, 14 miles South East of Burley in a mountainous area. Winters are cold and summers are beautiful. Three cemeteries are still used and kept up in this small community.

In 1877, the name Marsh Basin was changed to Albion on the suggestion of early settler and storekeeper Miles G. Robinson. Some say the name was drawn out of a hat. In 1879, it became the County Seat for Cassia. Following is a short history of events and time periods.

1869 to 1870. The Transcontinental railroad met at Promontory Point in Utah, two depots for shipping were established-Corinne and Kelton, Utah. Kelton was near the northern tip of the Salt lake and became a shipping point for southern Idaho. In 1870 the freight road and station was established through Marsh Basin heading for Boise and several mining towns, at first was a toll road.

1870 to 1919. Albion was a main stage stop and travelers, freight wagons, covered wagons and stage coaches would stop at Albion for supplies and lodging as the next one was the Stricker Stage Station at Rock Creek quite a distance.

1871 to 1872. Permanent settlers began filing for homesteads in Marsh Basin (Albion). The first known to be William Vaughn. The town site was platted from a purchase of ten acres purchased from Mr. Vaughn's homestead.

1875 to 1876. The town was organized with about fourteen families in the valley and a one room school school was built in the southeast portion of the valley. A short time later, district #2 was organized on the west side and following district #3 was organized in town. Frank Riblett was the first officially paid teacher.

1877. Rice L. Wood of Albion became a Territorial Representative for Owyhee county. The county seat being at Silver City, 250 miles away. A petition had been circulated for a new county, but had not made it to Boise in time that year.

1878. The previous stage and mail routes on Kelton Road were changed from going through City of Rocks to traveling through Albion.

1879. Post Office was established.

S. P. Weatherman, Territorial Legislator from Albion, introduced a bill in the Legislature 20, February 1879, which created Cassia County by breaking off from Owyhee County and Legislator George Chapin supported the bill. Cassia County took in the Twin Falls area and East to Oneida County. Marsh Basin was made the County Seat and the name changed to Albion.

1880 Families at Marsh Basin and Albion: Albertson, Alcanta, Allith, Anderson, Argraves, Barnes, Bascom, Bell, Binley, Bishop, Biuk, Blankinship, Bowers, Bridger, Brim, Brino, Cabb, Cagle, Chase, Clark, Cumings, Cone, Conner, Conrad, Cook, Coon, Darling, Dilley, Done, Donner, Drew, Dunlao, Durfee, Earl, Farrell, Fippin, Forbis, Furgerson, Garraty, Gillespie, Gray, Green, Gwin, Hansen, Harp, Harronn, Hickman, Holbrook, Holcomb, Holmes, Houck, Howell, Huggins, Iverson, Jones, Kaufman, Kelley, Kossoman, Land, Larsen, Lawson, Leavitt, Lemen, Lewis, Luther, Mahony, Marsh, Matheus, Meek, Morton, Muncie, Murphy, Neason, Nielson, Nolan, Norton, Parker, Parks, Peach, Pettengail, Pierson, Pons, Potter, Preston, Proctor, Rains, Rathbone, Richardson, Rivers, Robbins, Roberts, Robison, Sansbury, Sayers, Schwartz, Severe, Shirley, Siderman, Siers, Smith, Snodgrass, Springer, Standridge, Stark, Starrah, Stoddard, Stump, Taylor, Thomas, Tramuer, Trotter, Vanlona, Vice, Walker, Walton, Weatherman, Weedon, Wellman, Wilks, Williams, Wilson, Wood, Wright, Young.

1880 to 1910. Established were restaurants, boarding houses, hotels, stores, livery stables, doctors, lawyers, Saloons, County Newspaper The Busy Bee, Jail, Churches, blacksmith and wagon shop, watchmaker, post office, cemeteries and a brewery. There is two saw mills and one grist mill near the town.

Cattlemen and sheep men struggled for control of unregulated public land and wars emerged over grazing rights. Two murder trials emerged when sheep herders were murdered.

1884. The Oregon Shortline had just been established, creating the town of Minidoka with a train depot. Travelers still had to go by stagecoach or wagon to Albion and surrounding areas.

1885. Hardy Sears' uncompleted hotel was sold to the County Commissioners in 1886 and was finished to be the County Court House ( which still stands in Albion). The County jail was where the park is today.

1890 to 1893. With Idaho Statehood came Federal-grant money for Normal Schools. Albion was a important town in Southern Idaho and in 1893 a Normal School known as a teacher college was established. Another Normal School was established to the North in Lewiston. These schools struggled as the state gave no money for equipment or salaries of instructors. All income was dependent on donations of loyal citizens and tuition. Teachers, students and visitors had to travel by stagecoach or wagon and traveled on dirt rutted roads, They attended from all over the state. Many of the best and most valuable teachers Idaho has ever had came from the teachings at this college.

1894-1896. Diptheria Epidemic.

1904. D. L. Evans Bank opened August 1904, organized in Sept 1904 by David Lloyd Evans of Malad.

1905. Burley was established.

1907. Twin Falls broke off from Cassia County and formed Twin Falls County.

1918. Influenza epidemic

1919. Albion lost the County Seat and Burley became the new County Seat.

1935. Albion Normal School graduated about 40 percent of all Southern Idaho teachers.

1951. The Albion State Normal School which had been renamed Southern Idaho College of Education in 1947, was closed.

1958-1969. The old Albion Normal School was leased to The Magic Valley Christian College from the state.

1970. The state gave the Campus to the City of Albion.

2010. Albion is now a small town who exists of mainly ranches and farms. It lies in a peaceful little valley and many people pass through on their way to ski at Pomerell. The town is still visited by travelers and historians.

Submitted by Christine Storey, probably

Burley High School Faculty 1923-1924

H. M. Broadbent - Superintendent Burley Public Schools
W.W. Christensen - Principal High School
Gladys Beach - English, French,
Oscar O. Baarson - Physics, Chem.
Arthur R. Denman - Agriculture
Mildred Drummond -English,
H. L. Glindeman - Agriculture, Biology, Coach,
Mrs. Marion Gooding - Spanish, Latin, Music
Joseph Jacobs - Commercial
Hazel F. Lambart - Home Economics
Ella M. Moeller - Mathematics
Preston Pond - Physical Geography
Eldon B. Sessions - History, Civics
Mrs. S. E. Sessions - Public Speaking
Gladys Wareham - Mathematics

Submitted by Christine Storey

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This page was last updated 08/13/2024